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Are Beauty Brands Getting the ROI they want from digital advertising?


                           Beauty Independent - The eyes, ears and voice of beauty entrepreneurs.  Daily industry news, industry knowledge, trend reports and data-driven  content. Here for the Fierce



Before you do any digital advertising, the first thing should be a great website. It needs to be up to par, and I have been working on [mine] for the past couple of months. Websites also need to be optimized for a faster speed. Visitors look at websites for a couple of seconds, and those pages should load fast. I added an app Superspeed Free Speed Boost on ShopifyI also had a lot of text on the website and that needed to change as people love visuals. I replaced it with pictures.

According to statistics, 80% to 97% of e-commerce businesses fail. After reading a lot of articles on how to do digital advertising and taking a bunch of digital marketing classes, I decided that I cannot do this all by myself because there’s a lot that goes into digital advertising. I have been speaking with a couple of marketing agencies who can do the work every month.

So far, I did not get any ROI from what I have done myself, but I did have a lot of impressions on Instagram. To get ROI from digital advertising, brand awareness is key. Writing keywords and being in the first page of Google is an arduous task for an indie beauty brand as bigger companies spend millions of dollars on it. Being active on social media, engaging with followers and continuously building brand awareness is key. Some recommended apps from Shopify: Postscript SMS Marketing, SEO Doctor. To get an ROI, the whole thing should be done through a professional agency where they help with all the digital work. We will work with an agency when we are ready.

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